Dignitaries broke ground today for the new 23-story City Club Apart- ments, 776 Euclid Ave. in downtown Cleveland. But City Club Apart- ments Chairman and CEO Jonathan Holtzman said it won’t be the Mi- chigan-based company’s last project in Cleveland. Tossing dirt with golden shovels were, from left, lead project architect and Vocon Part- ners LLC Principal Denver Brooker, City Club’s Holtzman, Ward 3 Councilman Kerry McCormack, City Council President-Elect Blaine Griffin and Downtown Cleveland Alliance President & CEO Michael Deemer (KJP). CLICK IMAGES TO ENLARGE THEM
It wasn’t just the sound shovels hitting the dirt at the City Club Apartments’ groundbreaking ceremony today in downtown Cleveland that was heard. It was also the news that the Farmington Hills, MI developer and owner of multi-family and mixed-use properties was just getting started in establishing a presence in Cleveland. But no one overlooked the importance of the latest residential high-rise being added to Cleveland’s main street, least of all the man most responsible for it.
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