Two local businessmen are seeking to redevelop the former Sokolowski’s University Inn restaurant property, 1201 University Rd., into a six-story luxury apartment and retail building, if the project is approved by the city of Cleveland as designed. The first step in the city’s design-review process began yesterday as a Tremont neighborhood block club saw and gave input to the project’s plans for the first time.
Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Ohio City RTA station site ideas arrive
Representatives of a real estate development partnership have been making the rounds of near-west-side neighborhood block clubs to present conceptual ideas and get feedback for developing land next to the West 25th-Ohio City Red Line Station. But those same representatives caution they are still early in the design process so there is no formal plan yet.
Sunday, May 15, 2022
Guardians buy land, but no ballpark village yet
An affiliate of the Cleveland Guardians baseball team has exercised one of two property acquisition options that were offered when the team extended its lease on Jan. 1 to play at Progressive Field for at least another 15 years. The property acquired is a half-acre parcel next to the ballpark and located at the southwest corner of East 9th Street and Bolivar Road.
Friday, May 13, 2022
NOACA seeks Cleveland Amtrak hub
The director of the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA), a metropolitan planning organization, today said she intends to submit to the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) multiple proposed passenger rail routes through Cleveland for inclusion in the Biden Administration’s multi-billion-dollar rail development program. There was a new FRA program announced today to which NOACA pledged to submit Cleveland-based routes for consideration.
Cleveland Clinic formally announces expansion
Citing tremendous growth in the number of patients seeking health care, the Cleveland Clinic Foundation (CCF) today formally announced plans for $1.3 billion worth of facilities expansion worldwide. But most of the new construction is planned for its main campus near University Circle in Cleveland.
Sunday, May 8, 2022
Megaprojects program gears up for next round
This week, the Ohio Department of Development announced that it is opening round two of its new and popular Transformational Mixed Use Development (TMUD) tax credits program on May 18. Authorized for four years with up to $100 million in tax credits available each year, the deadline for submitting TMUD applications for Fiscal Year 2023 is 4 p.m. July 8.
Saturday, May 7, 2022
New Bridgeworks design wins support
Plans for building an apartment-hotel tower called Bridgeworks at the west end of the Detroit-Superior Bridge appear to be back on track after the development team made some design changes. Those changes allowed the project to win unanimous support yesterday from the Ohio City Design-Review Committee. The same committee last month sent the project back to the drawing board.