Thursday, August 22, 2024

Stella Maris buys Flats site to expand

Highlighted in red, the property at 2208 Superior Viaduct was acquired by
Stella Maris to allow for its expansion. The second floor will become
administrative offices and the first floor will be for storage and warehousing,
 including donated items (Cresco). CLICK IMAGES TO ENLARGE THEM.

After nearly eight years on and off the market, a small parcel at 2208-2210 Superior Viaduct at the west edge of Cleveland’s Flats District has sold to a growing stakeholder in the neighborhood. Addiction treatment center Stella Maris Inc. acquired the property last week and proposes to renovate an historic building on the site to expand the scope of its services. The site was twice proposed for a residential tower but neither advanced past the conceptual stage.


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