Monday, July 15, 2024

Cleveland Port’s bulk terminal gets $5M for rehab

On July 12, two ships were working at the Cleveland Bulk Terminal on Whiskey
Island, just west of Downtown Cleveland. Although different types of aggregates
can be loaded and unloaded here, iron ore is unloaded from larger ships through
a conveyor tunnel to smaller ships and then sent upriver to Cleveland Cliffs’
steel-making facilities. That conveyor has reached the end of its useful and
must be rebuilt (Lance Aerial). CLICK IMAGES TO ENLARGE THEM.

Last month, the Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority awarded nearly $1 million for design work to reconstruct the iron ore conveyor system at the Cleveland Bulk Terminal on Whiskey Island. This month, the Port of Cleveland got a big chunk of the funding necessary to carry out the reconstruction work over the next two years.


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